Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Just Watching the Clouds

It was hard for us to wake up this morning.

Well, I should clarify: My kids seem to have no problem waking before 6:00 a.m., but I do. Even after my steaming cup of wake me up coffee, I found myself longing for the warmth of my bed. Although it's the weekend, it wasn’t an option. There are many groggy mornings when I R-E-A-L-L-Y miss that option.

Instead I rested on the couch with Charlie and Jack. After snuggling in with each other like puzzle pieces finding their perfect fit, I realized this truly was the best option after all. I love feeling their warm little bodies next to mine. It was especially enjoyable due to the fact that neither of them were wiggling to get up to play or fighting over placement. Truthfully, it usually doesn’t work that way in our house.

As I was soaking in this treasured mommy moment, Charlie suddenly gasped with pure exuberance, “Look Mom...the clouds are moving!” He was looking up at the high windows in our living room and for the 1st time realized that the clouds move. I love being there when they discover things for the 1st time.

So we watched the clouds together.

Shared our thoughts on why they move.

Listened to him describe what he saw.

In the grown-up world we are just too busy to notice the clouds moving. It made me thankful for a slow morning and the chance to see things through a little's eyes. I don't do it often enough.

Simplicity at its best.

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